MediaBeacon Blog

MediaBeacon 24.07 Release Notes

What's New

Release Features

Make Menus configurable by replacing with Places Components

We're offering the following features with this functionality:

Customizable Menus: Admin users can configure menus according to their preferences. This includes the ability to customize menu names and icons, rather than being limited to fixed names such as "Navigate" and "Manage".

Flexible Menu Composition: Admin users can choose to include all Place Components as menu items or sub-items, allowing for flexibility in organizing and accessing content.


Have a one-click 'Download Original' option

  • Download Original is set as Default option.
  • Allows users to download Original Assets in one single click.

Publish Original Assets

MediaBeacon users want to publish original assets such as videos and PDFs without converting them. Therefore, we developed this feature to enable this functionality.

S3 Rendition URL to be made available

MediaBeacon users need access to S3 Rendition URLs via Smartnames, allowing them to utilize this information within Visual Workflow for downstream asset processes. We have enabled this functionality with this feature.

Don't allow de-selecting of assets via empty selection box

MediaBeacon users encountered issues where they believed assets were randomly being deselected. It was discovered that this occurred due to user mis-clicks, inadvertently drawing a tiny selection box that contained no assets, effectively clearing their selection. We have fixed this by preventing empty selections and retaining the previously selected assets.

Filtering images by date entered issue

Expanded file support to include a File Formats Dictionary and introduced a filter search for file formats. Supported formats now include:

otf: Fonts

aep: Archive (Adobe After Effects Project)

js: Archive (JavaScript)

css: Archive (CSS Style Format)

This enhancement offers users a more comprehensive and convenient way to manage different file types.

Bug Fixes

Filtering images by date entered issue

[Issue]: ]: In view component when filtering on "today”, the results are shown incorrectly.

[Fix provided]: On selection of Today, Server Date is considered.

Rendition Publishing fails with long file path/name

[Issue]: Conversion fails when attempting to convert with a long output path because the custom path is limited to a length of 255 characters.

[Fix provided]: Updated the custom path column type to string to accommodate maximum characters, resolving the issue. Now, conversion works fine even with long output paths.

External Portal zips in 23.11 are broken

[Issue]: With latest node.js version, External Portal zips are downloaded with 0kb.

[Fix provided]: Changed to compatible version s3-zip": "^3.3.0.

Multiple issues with paging in Infinite Scroll

[Issue]: After loading a collection, the Next button disappears after 50 assets, it also disappears upon refreshing, and paging stops beyond a certain count.

[Fix provided]: After loading the Collection, all assets remain visible even after refreshing, and users are able to navigate to the last asset by clicking on the Next button.

MediaBeacon: PROD: Scheduled workflows are not running

[Issue]: Scheduled Workflows quit working after few days.

[Fix provided]: refreshStartDates internal workflow fixed the scheduling.

mb.packagemanager.exclude property not working

[Issue]: While updating licenses in MB, exclude for package manager is not working correctly.

[Fix provided]: Introduced a check to validate the property during license updates.

MediaBeacon: All envs: Enabling the "Always show filter box" option in the Filter Search Configuration results in duplicate options in the filter

[Issue]: Enabling the "Always show filter box" option in the Filter Search Configuration results in duplicate options in the filter.

[Fix provided]: Setting the number of results to desired count for both scenarios of always show filter box.

Media Beacon - User groups showing as "blank" after migration

[Issue]: The Groups were blank after migration.

[Fix provided]: Users, Groups Forms, Fields and Conversion Types are migrated successfully.

After updating to 23.03 Preview Queue will not process

[Issue]: Preview System hangs on startup in some environments.

[Fix provided]: Removed the logic that attempts to install the Chrome WebDriver for 3D previews (OBJ and GLB), as it was causing the preview queue to stall.

MediaBeacon: When refreshing the page in Infinite Scroll View mode, the number of selected Assets decreases.

[Issue]: Refreshing the page in Infinite Scroll View mode causes the number of selected assets to decrease.

[Fix provided]: Introduced a MediaBeacon Property “mb.view.assetsPerPage” which sets the number of assets per page on load of Infinite Scroll view.

BT2 207589416 - Applications whitelist on Core can lose entries unexpectedly

[Issue]: Applications whitelist on Core lose entries unexpectedly.

[Fix provided]: Analysed and rectified the potential code logic that led to the removal of whitelist entries.

Choosing "Date Entered" and "is today" in advanced search doesn't return results

[Issue]: Choosing "Date Entered" and "is today" in advanced search doesn't return results.

[Fix provided]: Choosing "Date Entered" and "is today" in advanced search returns results with Server Current Date.

MediaBeacon - TIF file fails to import metadata

[Issue]: Uploaded .tiff is not shown in the search result. XMP Packet size for the attached file is around 1393542 bytes (1.39 MB), xmp block size maxlimit is 1048576 bytes.

[Fix provided]: Setting mb.max.xmp.size=2097152 in fixed this issue. Also improved logging to show XMP packet file size and current xmp size.

Places Browser Component - Heading toggle not working

[Issue]: Enabling the "Hide Component Title" toggle under the Places Browser View preferences does not save the changes.

[Fix provided]: The changes made to the "Hide Component Title" toggle are saved.

Workflow debugger broken

[Issue]: When attempting to access the URL using the workflow debugger, a "Debugging Connection was closed" error is encountered.

[Fix provided]: The Workflow debugger opens and debugs in both SAMl and standalone env.

Possible to have duplicate CommandLineVideoWorker entries in preview queue

[Issue]: Duplicate entries in the preview queue.

[Fix provided]: Admin can stop any of the preview request and wait for the other preview to complete.

MediaBeacon: dictionary validation

[Issue]: Invalid Dictionary values are not throwing error on saving the data.

[Fix provided]: Invalid Dictionary values are highlighted, preventing the user from saving the data.